Tuesday, January 11, 2011

300 rocks in my face

I'm getting to the point in my tv watching exercises that all of my favorite shows are old and frankly Jersey Shore is not my cup of lidmans peach. we've got shows like "How I Met Your Mother" and "The Office" where I have a sickly almost cultish love for them. Of course there were those shows that initially attracted EVERYONE but tend to shy away from the outrageously repetitive such as: "House", (any one remember 3 lbs.), "Bones", "Lie To Me". I am sure that the directors child wrote the outline for EACH and every episode. LOST was amazing.
  My sister said the other day that she loved "Glee" JUST because she felt like they kept throwing curve-balls, and she was excited to see "what they would do next". Try as I might the sort of curve-balls that show is throwing are the balls of bad directing and rebellious juveniles. I only SLIGHTLY disagree with my sister and see in NO way where her perception lies.
BUT LOST (yes that was what I was trying to get to all along), didn't have the dilemma of having to work with immature children who think what they're doing is a hobby. Contrary to the analogy above said about the directors child writing the outline to those VERY repetitive shows "Lost"'s director was trippin' on something FIERCE!! But that was a wake up call for all of us watchers in this world. certain standards were casted aside, rules were shattered, and LIVES WERE TAKEN.. main character lives.. it was AMAZING... we HAD to tune in just to make sure our favorite character was still BREATHING.. (side not I never got over how the brother and sister with the diamonds died) (another side note, where were bernard and his wife half the last season?) it was something WE were NOT used to. and we loved it. sure the walking into the lights was the most pathetic excise for an ending I've ever heard of, but come on those flash (sideways) were tear jerkers. they KNEW how intimate we had become with each character and in a way they exploited that relationship. the plot was undeniably redONKULOUS but the characters were more relatable than anything tv has ever done before, they weren't special, or super smart, they didn't behave out of the ordinary  (as one WOULD behave on an island that never existed in the first place).

but now I am stuck between a rock and a hard place, I want to start watching "30 Rock" (frankly I love started shows after there are a couple of seasons already out there, I hate waiting week after week for a single episode) (TORTURE) BUT my stupid internet won't load the videos fast enough, hence me writing a blog about television.

shows I am upset with in one way or another: "SMALLVILLE", "V", "HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER" and "AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER"

only V am i upset with because of the poor direction they chose to go with it, the other three either because I have to wait for them to start up again, or because they have ended and now some idiot is trying to make a movie out of them (M. Night Shmalallala just stop ok, keep to telling your kids creepy stories about naked ladies in the water, don't taint the amazing legacy that is The last airbender).

my heart yearns for my fingers to strum beautifully on my guitar. I only create repetitive crap.

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